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Function and type introduction of weft feeder

Weft feeders are devices used in textile weaving machines to supply weft yarns to the loom. Weft feeders play an important role in ensuring the efficiency and quality of the weaving process. The function of a weft feeder is to deliver a constant and uniform supply of weft yarn to the loom, at a speed that matches the loom's rate of production.

There are several types of weft feeders available, including:

Pneumatic weft feeders: These feeders use compressed air to propel the weft yarn through the shed (the opening created by the warp yarns during weaving) and into the loom.
Electronic weft feeders: These feeders use electronic sensors to detect the position of the shuttle and adjust the yarn feed accordingly.
Servo-driven weft feeders: These feeders use a motor-driven mechanism to control the weft yarn feed rate, ensuring a consistent and precise supply of yarn.
Projectile weft feeders: These feeders use a projectile (a small metal or plastic device) to carry the weft yarn through the shed and into the loom.
Rapier weft feeders: These feeders use a flexible rapier (a thin metal or plastic rod) to carry the weft yarn through the shed and into the loom.
Overall, the function of a weft feeder is to supply a constant and uniform supply of weft yarn to the loom, at a speed that matches the loom's rate of production. The type of weft feeder used will depend on the specific requirements of the weaving process, such as the type of fabric being produced, the speed of the loom, and the desired level of automation.

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