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Repair of warp and weft on looms (2)

2) When the selvage yarn (planetary gear selvage device) breaks
(1) Thread the broken selvedge yarn into the specified reed teeth.
(2) Securely tie together several warp yarns at the loom.
(3) Pull the front end of the broken selvage yarn by hand and hang it on the temple.
(4) Press the forward button. That is, the operation can be restarted.

3) When the selvage yarn (planetary gear selvage device) is loosened
(1) Turn the bobbin by hand to tighten the yarn.
(2) Press the forward button. That is, the operation can be restarted.

4) When yarn end processing yarn breakage occurs
(1) Insert the yarn end treated yarn with broken ends into the specified reed teeth.
(2) Make sure to tie it with other yarn end treatment yarns.
(3) Press the forward button. That is, the operation can be restarted.

5) When yarn slack occurs in yarn end treatment
(1) Tighten the slack end treated yarn to the front of the loom.
(2) Press the forward button. even if the operation can be restarted

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