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The weft feeder is an important mechanical part in the weaving process

A weft accumulator is a type of accumulator with a storage drum that stores weft. The drum has a magnetic probe on its left side and is connected to a brush ring on the other end. Above the drum, a tensioner holds the weft in place and the right side has a dust collecting device. A microprocessor controls the work state of the weft accumulator.

A weft accumulator uses a weft prewinder. This accumulator winds the weft thread on a drum, which then releases it when a pick is inserted. However, the resistance of the thread pulling free of the drum is quite high, which limits the thread velocity during picking.

A weft accumulator is an important piece of machinery for the weaving process. It helps minimize differences in yarn tension by ensuring a consistent weft insertion. A weft accumulator comes in many types and can be customised to meet specific requirements. For instance, a special unit can be used for thicker yarn, and another for thin yarn. A weft accumulator can be used on any brand of weaving machinery, and the machine can have as many units as needed.

A weft accumulator has several internal parts, the first two being a presiding drum and blower. The third part of the Weft accumulator is an integrated motor, which performs the actual weaving process. The motor is connected to a presiding drum via a chain, which contains teeth that pass through the central core of the Weft Accumulator.

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A weft accumulator may be formed by forming a predetermined length of weft thread in a tube. Then, blowing fluid axially or radially through the tube causes the weft thread to be forced to coil. The process of making a weft accumulator includes a variety of methods.

The first method involves using a compensator. A compensator has several advantages over a tension-free accumulator. It ensures that the lever will start to sink 35 degrees earlier than the projectile does. Using a compensation mechanism can also reduce the overall length of the weft thread.

The second type uses a different type of tension-control mechanism. In this type, the weft yarn coils are arranged on the drum surface in an alternating pattern. As the yarn coil moves forward, the tension decreases. This allows you to fine tune the pitch and make adjustments on the fly.

Another method is called thread slack hauling. This is a process that determines how much tension a weft thread can withstand during a single cycle of weaving. This technique involves calculating the tension of the weft thread at different points. For this purpose, a compensator with a moving compensator lever is used. The resulting tension force is evaluated by using the formula (8), equation (10a), or formula (11), and the smallest value is chosen from the two.

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